From the Desk of Principal

The objective of our school is to provide you with excellent all round education, that will transform your personality from being mere children, into well educated and cultured young men and women.
You are important member of our team comprising of the management section, teachers, students, parents and the rest of the staff.
Our aim is to inculcate in you, basic values like truthfulness, equality, courage, respect for elders and for your teachers.
We shall ensure that you get access to the latest developments in all fields so that you can make a good and correct career choice at the end of your tenure here.
Our school encourages a free and open atmosphere that will help in bringing out the creative abilities within you.
Discipline will be given utmost importance. We are very particulars about punctuality, attendance, uniform, cleanliness, health and hygiene. Behaviour, attentiveness in class and time completion of all class work and homework.
Ours school is an English Medium school due to which all the students as well as teachers are expected to speak in English during the school hours except those classes which are held in Hindi or any other language.
Dear children, you are the future of India. So do your best in every field and success will be yours. Remember that success is not something to wait for, but something to work for and achieve.
Once again welcome to our family of St.Columbus School.


Of St. Columbus School Salori
School Code 'SCSALO'